"Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya" is a unique otome game set in a fantasy world where male births are rare. The game takes place on an isolated island where women visit the red-light district of Yoshiwara to meet with attractive male courtesans.

Story Overview
You play as Hidetomi Misao, the daughter of a shipping agent. After helping a courtesan and his lover escape the island, you receive money and a kimono as thanks. This leads you to Kikuya, one of Yoshiwara's most prestigious pleasure houses, where you have the opportunity to spend time with various courtesans.

Key Characters
Tokiwa: A former head courtesan working to reclaim his top position. His route explores the restrictive nature of life as a Yoshiwara courtesan.
Iroha: The current manager of Kikuya, known as the "ogre" manager. As a retired courtesan, he has more freedom than the others and makes an exception to see Misao as a client.

Game Themes
- The game delves into several complex themes:
- The restrictive life of courtesans in Yoshiwara
- The business aspect of pleasure houses
- Personal dreams vs. professional obligations
- The unique social dynamics of a world with few men

Players can choose different courtesans to pursue, each with their own unique story and personality. The game offers multiple endings based on the choices made throughout the narrative.
"Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya" provides an intriguing blend of romance, drama, and social commentary, offering players a glimpse into a fantastical world with its own set of rules and challenges.