Pangea Odyssey

Quick Review and Beginner Guide

Hello and welcome, in this post i'm gonna share my thought for the game so far, and i will give some brief explanation about the game basics (also some tips for new player). I apologize if there's any mispelling/mistake i made on this post, english is not my main language. Until recently i can't find english guide on the forums for Pangea Odyssey, so i decided to make one in english to help other player know how's the game looks like. Okay then, lets get started.



Review :

So, about the game, the gameplay is quite unique, its a roguelike shoot 'em up with gacha, if you ever heard of or play HoloC**e you probably already had an idea of how the gameplay is. Of course, the major different is the adult theme (H scenes, nudity, and some cultured stuff). Another thing that make this game appealing is the art style, its gorgeous, if you ever wonder some Gen*** Im**** characters in H game, there you go, although mostly its on L2D not 3D (of course no dude here xD). The gacha rate is quite simillar with other Erolabs game, with 90 pity, and 50/50 chance for the rate up character on the first pity, and guaranteed the rate up character on the second pity. The pity is carry over for the next rate up banner (character and weapon), altough its not shared with the normal banner pity. The game itself is quite generous for the premium currency and normal gacha coin (you can buy the normal gacha coin from shop simillar with Ark Recode). The event is repetitive for now (for me it doesn't matter because its good for busy people like me), but the daily is quick, we can also skip stages after we cleared it (simillar to Cherry Tale). One of the upside is we can skip event quest! skip story, and also the game have auto and 2x speed. Downside is the battle pass and the monthly pass is quite expensive. For casual player like me, this is a great game, i recommend you to try it! its still back to personal preferences in the end.



Beginner Guide :

This is the Main Menu, some of the menu is self-explanatory. But i will give a quick glance on it.

1. Top Left Icon : This is your acount information (name, server, VIP, lobby setup, link account, Reedem Code, etc. Also the setting is here (i suggest you turn of the vibration if you play on phone)

2. Shop : Yes, the shop, but here is mostly P2W stuff (you need E-coin), you can buy 5-star Moha, she's quite good hence the P2W character is, she's worth it if you have the money. You can also buy the monthly pass here (Premium monthly is the most valuable in my opinion)

3. Invitation : Self-explanatory, you can check the forum to post your invite code, this add up to your monthly Diamond income.

4. Top left Yellow Book Icon : this is your Mission (daily, weekly, regular/achievement, and event)

5. Token Shop : You need to check this daily, this where you exchange event points, buy stuff with in-game currency or premium currency, with random stuff each day and random discount. Dont forget to check the monthly shop too!

  • Event Shop : for new player don't bother with the skin (UNLESS you like the character and also the skin itself, it does gave bonus ATK increase by 1%, BUT you need the character to make it active). I suggeets to prioritize resources you need first (exp book, gold, and stamina potion because these are quite scarce especially for new player), then gacha coin, the rest is up to you.
  • Item Shop : Check this shop daily, sometimes normal gacha coin appear, i suggest only buy the 80% discount item only, especially for new player, don't bother with the yellow item also, you won't use them until late game. NOTE : Only buy the item using coin, save your Diamond for gacha!
  • Goddess Drop : to get 5-star weapon you need and key for Discipline (2nd H scene).
  • Goddess Dew : monthly shop, i suggest prioritize normal gacha coin and exp book.
  • Conquest Realm : Reset daily like Item Shop, so do the same check for 80% discount, prioritize normal gacha coin and basic resources. You can get the currency from the Conquest Realm (these stage use 0 stamina but reset in 28 days, but not monthly).

6. Friends : self-explanatory

7. Inventroy : Also self-explanatory, if you have an invitation (like Moha from premium shop you can use it from here, go to the "potion"-tab.

8. Forge : You can convert low rarity material to higher rarity meterial in here, especially if you're unable to clear the higher level resources material (works like synthesis menu on Honk** St** R**l)

9. Dispatch : our good old friend dispatch, mostly the same in every game, in late game you can do 7 dispatch, i suggest focus on Ore/Scroll first, material is for weapon upgrade/Break.

10. Mail : your lovely mailbox especially when there's a compensation :p

11. Notice : your ingame newspaper... in case you forget what event is up or missed some update notice

12. Memoir : story collection

13. Discipline : more like bond, works by giving bonding-item to the character to open their H-scene, you know the drill boisss

14. Adventure/Stage (works the same) : your go to to spend stamina and do event/resources stages/conquest/abyss/story quest.

  • Yellow icon is main story, Purple is event quest, Red icon is newly added Nighmare event stage.
  • NOTE : if you don't want to hover around to check with stage drop which resources just click on the "Special Stage" icon, and go from there.

15. Summon : your happiness or your despair came from here, i can only wish you good luck. Pity is 90 as i stated above, but guaranteed is at the 2nd pity, so you need 180 pity if your luck is bad. Each single pull cost 700 Diamonds, multi pull (10x) is 7000 Diamonds), in total you need 126000 Diamonds to compensate your bad luck, if you win 50/50 then you ONLY need 63000 Diamonds. The pity is carry over for rate-up/limited banner, i suggest spending the gacha event coin to build up pity (although its not expire nor vanish from your inventory after the event ends, but we still don't know if it gonna be useable when the banner re-run). I left 1 Isshin gacha coin from last event for proof.

16. Team : self-explanatory, to set up your team.

17. Character : your place to see your character, level them up, equip weapon, level up weapon, break character/weapon, equip accesories, level up skill, and awakening (dupes).



Some Notes/Tips :

  • Resources is scarce, for real, for new player you need to consider which character you want to build. For now we can refund them yet.
  • Stamina also is scarce, the refill rate is quite low.

I'try to update the guide later on, either in this post or i make a sparate one.

Thank you so much for reading my review and beginner guide, i wish you good luck on your gacha pull!


I've shared my article on my twitter! :D

I also made some videos on youtube although its in Indonesian!

This is the video when i do the pull for Lilith rate up banner, i did have to reach 90 pity to get her, good thing is i win the 50/50 so didn't have to do another pity, i also can save my Diamond for next rate up character that i want/like. As you can see here the rate is quite low, and the rate is stay at 1% even untill you've reached pity, so my suggestion is to save your Diamond to at least until you can guarantee to do 180 pulls, so in case for the worst you can get the character you want. The game is quite generous, eventually you can get the Diamonds you need for 180 pity, Good luck!